Friday, January 23, 2009

I shot a Grizzly Bear and a Moose today!

After a couple months of planning, I made the trek to Bozeman, MT and photographed Moose Peterson and a very cool grizzly bear for the next National advertisement for Lexar. Both Moose and Brutus (that's the bear!) were great subjects. I have posted a couple of pictures of Brutus but you will have to wait to see the finished ad (which should run some time in May).
This is the typical picture that you would see when people want to show how dangerous grizzly bears are BUT trust me, these bears are truly amazing and not what you would expect. They are gentle creatures who need to be understood. I do like this picture but you need to understand that Brutus' trainer had him make this face for the camera.
Photo by Moose Peterson
This is me feeding Brutus a meatball. Better to give him a snack than for me to become his snack! You will notice that I am bundled up pretty good (wearing two hats and the hood from my sweatshirt) since it was 2 degrees Fahrenheit for the 4 hours of shooting the ad.


  1. you got to feed a grizzly? that is cool!!!

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