Sunday, June 14, 2009

Having fun with photography! - "Midnight snack" was late on Friday night and I needed to finish an article for Digital Reproduction Magazine (in Australia). I was writing about using fish eye lenses and how to use them to create interesting images. A friend and editor suggested that I write a side bar article on fun uses of a fish eye. This, and the fact that I could not sleep, led to a funny picture. I thought to myself "wouldn't it be funny to put my camera in our refrigerator and take a "fridge eye view" picture of me raiding the ice box?" And there it began. I cleared an area of the middle shelf, repositioned some food, set the camera to manual focus, set the 10 second this shot. It makes me laugh!
I call this one "Midnight Snack". :)

I shot this with the Canon 5D Mark II, Sigma 15mm fish eye lens, Lexar 4GB 300x CF card.

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