Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall in New York City

It was time for my annual October trip to New York for the Photo Plus show. Even though I was stuck inside for most of the daylight hours, I did my best to get out and shoot some images. The fall colors were almost at their peak and I was bummed that I could not see more of the foliage.

Myself and a great photographer friend of mine, Alicia Hansen, made a trip to Roosevelt Island with some of her photography students. It was the last couple hours of daylight which made for some nice images. I shot this looking across the river from the island.

This poster say it all. (Photo Tip: I like really like this image because of the patterns of the lights, but most importantly, the poster helps support the fall colors in the trees behind. Also, the text at the bottom of the sign reminds me and others of the location of the image.)

In this image, I lined up the setting sun with the lantern in the foreground to effectively "light" the lantern. Alicia saw this before I did, so I guess I need to give credit where it is due. :)

As I walked along this path, I saw this man painting in the distance and had to take this picture. The leaves in the foreground were beautiful and the park benches lead the eye right to the subject.

And then the sun made it final drop behind the skyline and I snapped some shots of the Chrysler Building peaking out from behind some other structures.

Alicia, one of her students, and myself were walking down a narrow passageway (to meet the other groups) when I saw this very cool light being reflected off of a building (across the river) and onto this wall. I asked Alicia if she would be my subject for some portraits here and she graciously accepted.

The following day, myself and a couple of other photographer friends made it out of the show just in time to catch the last hour of daylight. We took the subway over to Brooklyn and walked from the station. As we walked down a particular street I saw this tree and had to take a shot of the colors.

We walked over to the viewing area just in time to see this fireball of light behind the Statue of Liberty. 

As always, I tried some different techniques while working the scene. This was created with a two second exposure, waiting for the first second and then rolling the zoom.

After the sun had set completely we decided to try some portraits. So I changed lenses to my Canon 50mm 1.4 which lets in a lot of light. I added my flash, with it turned all the way down, and we took turns taking each other's portraits. My good friend, Bob, took this for me.

(BTW - this blog was posted from 38,000 feet on my flight home - too cool!)

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