Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mexican cruise - Part III - Cabo San Lucas

As you can imagine, when taking a cruise, there is a lot of time spent on the ship (which means that there is a lot of time to eat and drink). We did our best to resist the temptations of all the food in the buffet area and, as per my mother's request, we had dinner in the formal dining area every evening. I took my camera for a couple of the evenings and shot some images of the family.

The toughest challenge of being a photographer is taking a good picture of my mother. She usually hates every picture of her, so when she says "hey, I actually look good in your pictures", that is a big deal. This is one of my favorite images of her.

And speaking of favorite images, I like this one of my wife. Usually, whenever I point my camera in her general direction, I get a goofy "please don't take another picture of me" look. But here she was nice enough to grace me with a "real" look and she looks great!

The toughest part of having dinner at 5:45pm was juggling the meal with the sunset. We had a couple of really nice sunsets during the week, which required me quickly excusing myself and running out to grab some shots and run back for dinner.

The last stop on our Mexican cruise was Cabo San Lucas, which is a really cool place with great rock formations and beaches. We have been to Cabo a couple of times before, but not in the last 10 years. There was some great wildlife surrounding the marina.

I had our water taxi driver go right up to the rocks to get this shot. There were at least 40 of these guys on the rocks but I really liked the grouping in the middle since they were all looking up, sunning themselves. I also like the little guy on the left who is using the first sea lion as a pillow.

It wasn't until the end of our water taxi ride that I realized that there was a ladder onto the roof for a better viewing area. We all went up to the top to get a family picture. can not go to Cabo San Lucas without having a drink at Cabo Wabo. This is the bar that is owned by rock singer Sammy Hagar (and I am a big fan of Sammy). I ended up drinking both of these drinks since they were too strong for Annette...and...well...let's just say that I was very happy for a while. :)

As we were pulling out of Cabo, I had sobered up enough to run up to the top deck (front of the ship) and shoot these sunset images. It was just me and one other guy with a Nikon DSLR grabbing shots from up top. You can see the famous "El Arco" (The Arch) to the left of center.

This was my last shot of the trip as we pulled out of the bay and into the open waters of the Pacific. It was a really nice relaxing week away from phones and email, but now I am back to the rat race. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to be going on a cruise around the Bahamas in January. Is there anything I should watch for when taking pictures on a cruise ship? Do you have tips on how to get great shots? And I love taking night time photography too.
