Friday, September 16, 2011

Two presentations at B&H Photo in New York City

On Tuesday, I had the honor of doing two presentations at the world's largest photo store, B&H Photo in Manhattan. The first presentation was called "Portrait Photography - With Minimal Equipment" where I showed many of my favorite portrait photos and talked about the best techniques for capturing them. As the titled stated, the goal was to show how to capture really nice portraits without tons of equipment. Most of the images that I showed were taken with my DSLR and one on-camera flash.

We had a great time during this 2 hour long class, and from the feedback that I have received, it sounds like people learned some new ideas and had some fun too. Everything went smoothly until the very end, after my presentation was over, when one of the participants attacked another to grab one of my give-away memory cards. What the heck?! Not cool!

And then after a 2 hour lunch break, I came back to do the second presentation, which was called "How To Make Money Photographing Events". Once again we filled the room and I shared my tips on how to be a successful event photographer.

I showed many of my favorite images taken at Bar / Bat Mitzvahs and weddings, and I even through in some from the 2010 Winter Olympics. I talked about photographic tips, but mainly focused on the business aspect of photography. Luckily, this time we did not have any assaults happening in the back of the room! I was really lucky to meet so many great people (minus one) and truly appreciate them coming out to see me.

After finishing my presentations and answering a lot of questions, it was time to go out and shoot some images in Central Park. Here is one of the images, with more to come in an upcoming blog.

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