Thursday, August 2, 2012

2012 Summer Olympics: USA Water Polo vs Spain - The women tie

Yesterday, the woman from USA Water Polo played against Spain and ended in a tie, with a final score of 9 to 9. It seems like the American water polo teams are destined to have close games every night.

This was a great backhand shot to start the scoring for the U.S. team.

Some physical action in in the 2 meter area.

I really like this shot with the American player framed by the three Spaniards.

The American goal keeper coming up with a big stop.

It looks to me like the Spanish athlete might be faking this one.

Ooops. This shot did get past the American goal keeper.

But not this one.

I really like this shot of the American player not taking any crap from the other team.

Back atcha!

This is probably my favorite shot from this game. Check out the reaction!

For those people who have never experienced water polo, it is a very physical game. This shot really highlights that point.

1 comment:

  1. My friend recommended this blog and he was totally right keep up the fantastic work! Nicole
