Monday, December 29, 2014

Did you or someone you know get a new DSLR for the holidays? Time to get out of Automatic mode!

It is that time of year when lots of lucky people received a new DSLR for the holidays. Most of them will take out the new camera, put it in Automatic mode, and start shooting.

The problem is, they are now holding a bigger and more expensive point-and-shoot camera.  If they knew even a few tips, they could take so much better photos!

Last year, along with B&H Photo, I created this video:

The 15 Features of Your DSLR That Every Photographer Should Know

This is a free class to help you or your friends get the most out of your DSLR camera. It is aimed at the novice and intermediate user, and should be easy for most people to understand. If you are one of those lucky people to get a new DSLR, and are new to photography, check it out.

People often ask me why I let B&H post these videos at no charge, and the reason is, I love photography and want to spread the passion to others. More than money, it is so rewarding to get email messages from people all over the world who have learned from this and my other free videos. With some simple tips, like those in the class, it can change the way people take photos and yield much better photos. And then, they too might see how creative they can be with these amazing cameras.

If you know someone who just got their first DSLR, or has had one stuck in automatic mode for many years, let them know about this video. I am proud that this video is now the most viewed classroom video on the B&H YouTube channel with more than 670k views.

And also, remember that you and your friends can enter your email address at the top right of this blog to get an email any time I write a new blog post.

Happy holidays and happy shooting everyone!



If you are interested in purchasing any camera equipment, please click here to go to B&H Photo, as I get a referral from them if you enter this way. I would really appreciate that.


  1. Thank you for the tip Mr. Cable.
    I did recommend you and your works on my blog earlier as I watched many H&B lectures.

    Your best pictures in my view

    I did blasphemy and checked few of my images against yours :)

    But what I had to do when I got no DSLR? I turned to GIMP, to fake depth at least with blur option.

    You may check my works e.g. snapshots made with Canon PowerShot
    A590 IS and corrected with GIMP.

    And once more great "thank you" for your tutorials! :)

  2. Thanks to your videos my new Pentax K50 is out of Automatic and I'm experimenting more every day. Thank you for being a fantastic example!

  3. Loved your video and found myself re watching it to take notes. Is there any chance you might make available the slideshow? Thanks to this video you have rekindled my interest in artistic photography. Thanks!
