Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Photographing the big cats of Namibia

Today on our photo tour we took our guests to the N/a' Ankuse Wildlife Sanctuary for some warm up shots of the big cats and more. We are sure to see many of these in the wild in our coming weeks, but thought that it would be fun to capture some images in a more controlled environment for starters. These animals are wild but are in very large fenced-in pieces of land.

Today was my first time seeing the Caracal and I love these cats, with their pointed ear and lean bodies. I saw this cat heading in our direction, and not too happy about it.

This Caracal was fighting for dominance against another cat that was nearby. We were shooting the photos from behind a wired fence, so safety was not an issue.

The next cat that we photographed was the Cheetah. I have photographed many of these in the wild, but it was fun to use the Canon 100-400mm lens (mounted on my Canon 1D X MKII) to get really up close and personal with this amazing animal.

 This looks pretty vicious, but it was just the cat yawning.

This last photo was taken around 5pm this evening, which is about an hour before sunset. This leopard was walking directly towards me. I had the camera in IO Servo mode to track the focus on the animal as it moved slowly in my direction. I love the directional lighting on his body and the look on his face.

Tomorrow we fly to the city of Luderitz which is on the coast of Namibia for some very different photos. Stay tuned!

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  1. Jeff,
    Wishing I was with you once again. Happy imaging and stay safe.

  2. It is my dream to see these cats up close like you and capture photos a fraction as well as you do...

    I hope I can join you one of these days...

    Wishing you continued success and safety on your journeys...
