Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Summer Olympics STATISTICS: How many images? How many miles walked?

After every Olympics, I look back and collect the data to determine exactly what I was up to during the frenzy that is the Olympic Games. It is always interesting to determine how much I walked, how many photos I took and so forth. 

I landed back in California yesterday afternoon and I am right back at work today. I am getting all the images backed up to my server, responding to clients who have patiently waited for 3 weeks to hear from me, and trying to catch up on email. Oh yeah, and catching up with family and friends all while trying to stay awake throughout all of this. 

I just went through the numbers and wanted to share with you some interesting facts about the last three weeks in Paris. we go:

Duration in Paris: 22 days

Distance walked (tracked by my Apple Watch): 210 miles

Average sleep per night (tracked by my Apple Watch): 5 hours and 45 min

Hours spent on trains: Approximately 25 hours

Euros spent on Uber and taxis (when trains did not work out): 590 Euros

Events covered: 49

Total photos taken on the Canon R1 and Canon R5 MKII cameras: 85,000 photos

Total photos kept: 25,000 photos

Total capacity used: 342GB

Favorites images: 266 (I know - I am really picky)

Blog posts written: 41

Total time spent writing blogs: 61.5 hours

Typos fixed along the way (thanks to Laura and others for proof-reading): - Approximately 90

Blog readership: (Last 30 days - 507,000 readers, Last 60 days - 697,000 readers)

Looking back at all this does help explain why I am so tired right now, but I would not change a thing. I have always been a Type-A person, so having this hectic schedule is totally OK for me. Being able to experience my 8th Olympic Games is a real gift that I appreciate so much. Being able to share it with all of you is even better! 

It was fun to wake up every morning to see your comments and feedback (on the blog, social media or in my in-box). You all are what kept me motivated to write each and every blog post. 

Soon I will be returning to a "once a week schedule" for posting, but first I still owe you all my final thoughts on the new cameras and lenses. That will come soon, I promise!


• Subscribe to the Jeff Cable Photography Blog by clicking HERE!

• You can now purchase Jeff Cable Photography images from my new fine art site at:

• If you are interested in purchasing ANY equipment, please click here to go to B&H Photo, as I get a referral from them if you enter this way. It does not change the cost to you in any way, but it helps me keep this blog up and running.

• Check out my upcoming photo tours to amazing places around the world. I have photo tours to Africa, Costa Rica, Asia and more. 

* Thank you to Canon, Apple, ProGrade Digital, Crucial, Tiffen, DataColor, ThinkTank, Adobe, and CameraBits  for providing loaner product to me for the Olympic Games!



  1. I just don't think that I could ever be able to watch an Olympics without having the "behind the scenes" commentary and pictures from you that make me feel like I'm really there! Thanks for all your insights, beautiful photography, and time you spent sending them out to all of us in real time with "no punches pulled" critiques.
    Catherine D.

  2. Hello Jeff,
    The stats are still impressive. We talked a little in the press room during the USA water polo match on Sunday for the bronze medal (I'm a French photographer). I also experienced very intensive games, running from site to site and I can only admire your statistics knowing the time you devote to writing the blog. You are a machine! Have a well deserved rest

  3. Thanks for taking the time to give us your insights during this hectic time! It's fascinating to see what goes on behind the scenes.

  4. So fun & interesting following you these weeks. Tanks a Lot...
    Cheers from Sweden

  5. Jeff, I just wanted to say a big thank you! I have you on my Feedly reader so that I don't miss any of your blog posts. I am not a "photographer" but I do like to take pictures of many things, especially family and our cruises! I love to "see" the world through your camera lens! My husband and I don't fly so you allow me to see all the wonderful places/countries that you visit through your photos and your photo tour guests' photos! I totally enjoy not only your photography but your commentary and description of how you set your camera. If I only had time to really learn my Canon T4 camera but "unfortunately" I have too many other interests that take presidence - sewing American Girl doll clothes for my grand nieces! Again, thank you for all you do in sharing your photography!!!

  6. Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for your behind the scenes look at the Olympics, and technical comments on the new cameras. I'm anxiously awaiting your final comments on the R1, and was wondering if you could comment on its' low-light/high-ISO capabilities? At what ISO does the noise become obtrusive? Thanks in advance for any info you might have to share.

  7. Lol
    I was wondering
    Personal data collection is good
