This morning we got up and headed into Lahaina to take our (what has become a tradition) whale watching trip, and this 2 hour excursion did not disappoint. Even though the whale season is technically over tomorrow (April 15), nobody told the Humpback whales because they are still here. A couple whales got so close to the boat that my 400mm lens was overkill. We love watching these amazing creatures in their own habitat. These whales are the size of a school bus and yet they move so gracefully and can even breach clear out of the water. If you have never seen them up close, put it on your bucket list.

Since my friends at Sigma were kind enough to send me their 70mm macro lens the day before this trip, I had a chance to take it out and experiment a little. I love the fresh perspective that this lens brings to normal flowers and bugs. These shots were taken around the "resort" where we are staying.

This spider was all bundled up for the morning when I came across him and his web. What struck me was the great symmetry of this web.

And...oh yeah...another great sunset off in the distance (just to the left of the island of Lanai).
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