We shot quite a few short video segments while in Asia, and one of those "tips and tricks" videos was instructions on how to shoot a good panorama shot. I wanted to create a really nice panorama image to insert into the video, and tried one from Kowloon during the day, but the sky was too hazy and it really didn't look that impressive. But, during my night shooting at "The Peak" in Hong Kong, I shot 4 horizontal images (overlapping them by approximately 25%) of the beautiful skyline, hoping to get a good usable image.
When I returned to my home studio and ran the images through Arcsoft's Panorama Maker 5 on my Mac, I was thrilled with the results. I used NIK Dfine 2.0 to remove the minimal digital noise in the sky and Photoshop CS5 to clean up the image, and sharpen the buildings.

I figured that this would be a good image to throw on the wide format printer, just to see how it held up, and wow did it come out cool! The resolution is so tight that you can actually see people in the windows of their apartments. I guess that is what you get when you combine four 21MP files into one large document.
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