Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Great Migration and the Crocodile - check this out!

Last week, myself in partnership with M&M Photo Tours, took a group of guests to photograph the great migration in Tanzania, Africa. We spent the first 4 days on safari away from the Mara River, photographing lions, elephants, baboons, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, giraffes, zebras and more.

On our fifth day, after flying to the northern part of the Serengeti, we were treated to our first river crossing.  It was absolutely amazing to watch the thousands of wildebeests as they crossed the river.

As the wildebeest make their crossing, the path and pattern of the animals is constantly changing.

Most of our guests were using the Canon 100-400mm lens which allowed us to shoot wide shots like this, but also zoom into the mass to isolate individual animals making their crossing.

Many guests were using the Canon 5D Mark IV and I was using my Canon 1D X Mark II. And wow did we shoot a lot of images!

Thanks again to Canon Professional Services for the free loaner cameras and lenses for our guests. You rock!

On our first day, we were able to witness three river crossings. On this particular crossing, our guide happened to drive our vehicle right to the spot where the wildebeest were exiting the river.

The following day, we saw a couple more crossings, including this one, which turned out to be epic. We were watching the masses of wildebeest as they came down the bank on the opposite side of the Mara when one of our guides yelled "There is a crocodile there!".

I quickly zoomed from 100mm to approximately 300mm to isolate the crocodile. And this was one big croc!

He was in shallow water and making his way towards the herd. We were watching and expecting the reptile to grab one of the wildebeests.

The crocodile lunged forward and was unable to grab ahold of any of the crossing herd. But as the crocodile moved forward, we watched as the wildebeest stepped on and over the massive beast.

It is not uncommon to see crocodiles near the crossings, but it was amazing to see one this big, this bright and so shallow. As I looked back at the images, I was just amazed at the size of the crocodile in the photo. It is so big that it dwarfs the large wildebeests.

One of our guides was shooting an iPhone video, which I have included so that you can see the action for yourself. You can click on the image above to watch the video.

Even though we saw a ton of amazing animal sightings throughout the week, this was one of the highlights of the trip for sure.

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If you are interested in purchasing ANY equipment, please click here to go to B&H Photo, as I get a referral from them if you enter this way. It does not change the cost to you in any way, but it helps me keep this blog up and running.
Check out my upcoming photo tours to amazing places around the world. I have photo tours to Africa, Costa Rica, Europe, Asia, India and more. And Canon will loan you any gear you want for FREE for any of my tours.

1 comment:

OnlyInCA said...

Great pictures and action! You were really at the right place at the right time. Great catch on the croc.
Catherine d'Alessio