Tuesday, February 4, 2025

All new tripods and monopods for me!

In all the years that I have been a photographer, it is not often that I change the brand of products I am using. You know how it is when you get used to something and it works well...it is hard to make a switch. But after many years of using Gitzo tripods and monopods, I am making the switch to Benro

It is not that Gitzo products are not excellent, but they are really expensive, and with so many other high-quality offerings out there, it has gotten harder for me to recommend them when they are so much more expensive than other comparable products. 

(Photo credit: Emma Cable)

I tried to reach out to the people at Gitzo to find out why they were priced so much higher than the others, but never heard back from them. So I started to evaluate other companies that made higher-end tripods and monopods. I did some research online and also reached out to some of my photographer friends in the industry who I trusted the most. (Thanks to Moose Peterson for recommending Benro so passionately.) 

Numerous companies responded to me and sent me products to evaluate. My living room looked like B&H photo with tripods set up all over the place. I methodically went through and tested each tripod and monopod to test the following:

* Rigidity and Sturdiness
* Strength
* Weight
* Size
* Balance

I also took into account the prices for each item and the overall selection that each company had to offer. After a lot of testing, the one company that stood out was Benro

When testing the products, I consistently selected the Benro tripods (without looking at the brand name to know which brand I was using). I feel that the quality of their products is at the same level as Gitzo (which is saying a lot) but with a price point that is more reasonable for the average photographer or photo enthusiast. 

Right now I am using three of their tripods:

I am also using the Benro SupaDupa Monopod which I really like. This monopod extends to a really long length. 

All of these products that I have chosen are made with Carbon Fiber, and feel solid as a rock. The overall quality is excellent, the movement of the hinges and legs feels smooth and solid, and they feel like they are built to last.

I know that Benro also makes tripod heads but I am sticking with the Acratech ball heads, because I still feel that they are the best on the market. I know that they are expensive, but I love that the high-quality build of the Acratech heads and I also love their Swift Clamp for my camera straps. 

I should mention that, even though I am sticking with the Acratech ballheads, I am using the Benro gimbal heads. They have two models which I am using right now. The first is the more substantial carbon fiber GH5CMini, and the other gimbal head I tested is their collapsable gimbal head (seen above) for travel. Both are really nice!

In talking to the people at Benro, I am really excited about their innovations and future products, with so much cool stuff coming down the pipe. 

I am proud to be a Benro Ambassador and super excited to use their products for my events in the Bay Area, on my photo tours, and at the upcoming Olympics. I look forward to seeing my image and name on their ambassador web page soon.


• Subscribe to the Jeff Cable Photography Blog by clicking HERE!

• You can now purchase Jeff Cable Photography images from my new fine art site at: https://fineart.jeffcable.com/

• If you are interested in purchasing ANY equipment, please click here to go to B&H Photo, as I get a referral from them if you enter this way. It does not change the cost to you in any way, but it helps me keep this blog up and running.

• Check out my upcoming photo tours to amazing places around the world. I have photo tours to Costa Rica, Peru, Galapagos, Alaska and more. 


Monday, January 20, 2025

After seeing the LA fires, it should make us all think about remote backups

Last week was complete devastation down in Southern California, with fires burning out of control. This reminded me of the fires up here in Northern California a couple of years ago. It is so sad to see so much destruction and the loss of so many memories. This made me think about family photos and the importance of keeping them safe. 

I highly recommend that you take your most important photos and get them into digital format (if they are not already digital images) and having them stored offsite. For offsite storage, you could use a cloud service like Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud or many other offerings, or create your own solution. 

When both of my parents passed away, I took their wedding album and took photos of each of the black and white images. I then put all those images into a Dropbox folder so that my brother and sister could have them as well. Since they are in the cloud, I know that they will always be available.

I also went through all of my father's slides and scanned the best of the old photos to keep and share with my siblings. 

Speaking of my siblings, here is a photo of my brother, myself and my sister from 1966. I scanned many slides and then cleaned them up in Photoshop to remove the dust and distractions. 

Here is a photo of me holding a box of Kodak film in 1964. I guess I was always destined to be a photographer. 😀

Here is a photo I took of my son playing with my Mac way back in 1997 (and now he is a photographer too.) This photo and every photo I have taken since the early 1990s are stored on my QNAP NAS drive which gives me some peace of mind. But in order for me to feel that they are ultimately safe, I want them stored in a remote location as well. 

For those of you who have read the blog for a long time, you may recall that I have a redundant QNAP NAS drive located hundreds of miles from my home. They synchronize every day at 1am to make sure that every photo is in multiple places. I currently have more than 2 million photos stored in both locations.

I not only keep my photos stored in numerous places, but all my important documents are saved on these drives and in the cloud.

Regardless of whether you are a professional photographer, a photo enthusiast, or just someone trying to keep important photos and documents safe, I highly encourage you to have those files in more than one location, and far enough from each other to withstand mass destruction like we are seeing more often these days.

My thoughts go out to all those affected by the Los Angeles fires. 


• Subscribe to the Jeff Cable Photography Blog by clicking HERE!

• You can now purchase Jeff Cable Photography images from my new fine art site at: https://fineart.jeffcable.com/

• If you are interested in purchasing ANY equipment, please click here to go to B&H Photo, as I get a referral from them if you enter this way. It does not change the cost to you in any way, but it helps me keep this blog up and running.

• Check out my upcoming photo tours to amazing places around the world. I have photo tours to Costa Rica, Peru, Galapagos, Alaska and more. 


Thursday, January 9, 2025

I am really honored to be a winner in this year's World Sports Photography Awards

A couple of months ago I was asked to submit some of my images to the World Sports Photography Awards. I know this may sound weird to many of you, but I never really enter contests. After some coaxing by my friend, I decided that I would throw some images out there to see if they would be considered.

More than 2200 professional sports photographers from over 96 countries around the world submitted more than 13000 images to this year’s competition, and there were some unbelievable images that made me feel like an amateur. 

I looked through the list of finalists and was blown away. I figured that there was no way I would stand out in this crowd!

You can see all the winners here: https://www.worldsportsphotographyawards.com/winners-and-shortlists-per-year/winners

I felt very honored this morning when I heard that this photo of mine won an award. It was one of my favorites from the Summer Olympics in Paris.

I took this photo with my Canon R5 Mark II camera and the Canon RF 70-200mm lens with the following settings:

* ISO 320

* f/8

* 1/2500th sec

Congratulations to all the other winners who captured some unbelievably amazing photos, and thanks for reminding me that I still have a lot to learn too.


• Subscribe to the Jeff Cable Photography Blog by clicking HERE!

• You can now purchase Jeff Cable Photography images from my new fine art site at: https://fineart.jeffcable.com/

• If you are interested in purchasing ANY equipment, please click here to go to B&H Photo, as I get a referral from them if you enter this way. It does not change the cost to you in any way, but it helps me keep this blog up and running.

• Check out my upcoming photo tours to amazing places around the world. I have photo tours to Costa Rica, Peru, Galapagos, Alaska and more. 


Friday, January 3, 2025

I was going through my father's old slides and look at what I found!

Many years ago I had a chance to go to the top of the Golden Gate Bridge where I was able to capture photographs from the North Tower. It was an amazing experience, and one that I will never forget. For many years, I thought that I was the first and only one in my family to have this privilege. It turns out that this was not the case!

Here is a photo I took facing San Francisco (although the fog had covered the city in this shot).

I also took photos facing the North side of the bridge, facing towards Marin County.

About a year ago I found all my father's slides in a box and I went through hundreds of photos to see which ones I wanted to have scanned. As I was going through the slides and trying to make out what my dad had captured, I came across something amazing. In one of the boxes there were photos that HE had taken from the same location on top of the bridge!! 

Now, you have to remember that this is not open to the public and I have NO idea how he managed to get access to this spot. It took me many years to get up there. He was a doctor and I am assuming that one of his patients had connections, but I am not sure. My father died more than 30 years ago and I don't think there is anyone alive who would know this information.

This is my father's photo from the same North Tower, and as you can see, there have been some changes in the 50+ years that had gone by.

I also found this long exposure photo that he had taken of the Bay Bridge. I know that he had a Leica camera, and assume that he took all these photos with that camera. Back then, this shot was much harder to take since he was shooting film and could only guess at the right exposure. 

Here is one of my Bay Bridge photos taken from below the bridge, and look how much the San Francisco skyline has changed in all these years!

I know the spot where he took this photo, but this vantage point does not exist any more. I believe that this was taken before the road was built, leading to the fort.  He was low enough that we can not even see Fort Point (which has been there for more than 100 years).

Here is a more recent shot that I took from a similar location. You can see the retaining wall and road where a sandy beach used to be.

Here is an aerial photo that my father took over San Francisco. I am assuming that he took this out of a big airplane while coming into or out of San Francisco Airport.  It is crazy to see how few high-rises existed back then.

And here is an aerial photo that I took a couple of years ago from a small airplane, as we circled the city specifically for me to get photos.

This is a night shot that I took over the city, which would have been almost impossible to take back in my dad's days. I was using a Canon R5 mirrorless camera, pushing my ISO to 6400 and able to check my exposures as I was shooting.

Even though my father was an amateur photo enthusiast, it was really cool to see what he had captured back in his time. The funny thing is...I don't remember him taking many photos and never heard him talk about his camera. But all these years later, it is fascinating that we shared a similar rare and unique experience being at the same location on the Golden Gate Bridge and capturing images from the same vantage point. I love that!


• Subscribe to the Jeff Cable Photography Blog by clicking HERE!

• You can now purchase Jeff Cable Photography images from my new fine art site at: https://fineart.jeffcable.com/

• If you are interested in purchasing ANY equipment, please click here to go to B&H Photo, as I get a referral from them if you enter this way. It does not change the cost to you in any way, but it helps me keep this blog up and running.

• Check out my upcoming photo tours to amazing places around the world. I have photo tours to Costa Rica, Peru, Galapagos, Alaska and more. 


Monday, December 23, 2024

The best settings for your Canon R5 Mark II and Canon R1 cameras

Over the last couple of months, I have had a lot of people ask me about my setup for the new Canon R1 and Canon R5 Mark II cameras. Specifically they are asking about what I change on my menus and how I set up my focus buttons.

In this blog post, I want to share with you all my recommended menu changes for both cameras. Whether you are setting up the camera for the first time or maybe looking to make some tweaks to a camera you already have been using, I hope this helps.

I am going to take you through a bunch of menus to help you make the changes and explain why I suggest these settings. I should also mention that these are my recommended settings that I feel are best for almost all photographers. That does not mean that these are perfect for everyone, but they work great for me. Consider this my holiday gift to you all. 😀

The Red Menu

* Image Quality - I always set my camera to shoot in RAW mode and turn off JPEG. I do this because RAW give me the best quality images and I don't need JPEGs. If I do need JPEG images, I can easily convert my RAW files on my computer. Also, you may not know this, but when capturing both RAW and JPEG images, it really slows down your camera buffer clear.

* ISO Speed Settings - I like to set the lowest ISO of the camera's ISO Speed Range to L (which is ISO 50). This is handy when I am shooting waterfalls or daytime shots when I am trying to kill the shutter speed to get motion in my images. It is rarely used, but an easy tweak to set this up for those instances where it is desired.

* Color Space - I change sRGB to Adobe RGB in the rare case that I do shoot JPEGs. I like this color space better.

* Drive mode - I always default this to a slow burst mode. I NEVER shoot in the single shot mode.  Regardless of what I am photographing, I want to take a short burst photos of each person or scene. I will turn this up to a faster burst rate when I am photographing sports or wildlife.

* Shutter mode - I usually take photos in Elec. 1st-curtain mode since this works best for most captures, including when I am using a flash on camera. Even though full Electronic shutter is nice for some conditions, I find it restrictive for flash photography and long exposures. 

* Release shutter without card - Turn this OFF. I really hate that Canon defaults this to on, since it means that people can use the camera without a memory card in the slots. Why would you ever want that?! 

The Purple Menu (Auto Focus)

* AF operation - I set this for Servo focus since I almost always want the camera to track the focus on my subjects whether they are moving fast or not.

* Subject to detect - I leave this on People unless I am traveling to Costa Rica, Africa or other locations where animals are the main subjects. 

The Blue Menu (Playback)

* Highlight alert - I definitely enable this since I want to get a visual representation of over-exposed areas in my photos. I use this as opposed to the histogram (which I never use).

The Yellow Menu (Tools)

* Record func+card/folder set - I set the second line which is the Camera records options to Rec. to multiple so that I am writing the same RAW files to both memory cards in my camera. I worked in the memory card business for more than 10 years and know how finicky they can be. Even though I use the best cards on the market (ProGrade Digital), I still always write my images to both cards.

* Play - I set this to card 1 and I also check mark the Info Priority box so that it stays on card 1.

* Record/play - I set this to card 1 and I also check mark the Info Priority box so that it stays on card 1.

* Auto rotate - I change this to the middle option which is the "On (computer icon)" so that the images will be rotated correctly on my computer but show full screen on my camera LCD. 

The Green Menu (Tools) - And this is an IMPORTANT ONE!!

Customize buttons for shooting - I change numerous items in this menu to get the camera working the way I want it. Even though back button focus is less imperative than it used to be, I still prefer it, so I change the following things:

1. Shutter button to "Metering start" so that the focus mode is determined by the back buttons only.
2. AF-On button to eye detection (and with eye control on when setting the Canon R1)
3. AE Lock button to "Metering and AF start" and I change the Detail settings to "AF operation to Servo", Whole area tracking "Off", Subject to detect "Off", Spot detection "Off", Eye detection "Off" 

When setting all these, this will give you face detection on the AF-On button and a single focus point (servo) on the AE Lock button. I use this ALL the time. If I have a person or animal in front of me, most of the time the face and eye detection works great, but for the times when it is not locking on or I don't have a person or animal in front of me, I use the AE Lock button to establish my focal point.

Customize dials/control ring - I change this so that the Main dial is AV, the second dial is ISO and the back dial is TV. I leave the Control ring for exposure compensation, but rarely use the control ring.

* Eye control - I turn this on and train it. I also turn the Pointer display settings to Off since I find it really distracting having the pointer moving all over the display when I am shooting. 

The "other" Green Menu (My Menu)

This screen is rarely used by hobbyists but widely used by professional photographers. With that said, I think that it should be used by everybody! This menu lets you put your most used menus on one screen.  I have mine set for these:

* Image type/size
* Subject to detect
* Highlight alert
* Record func+card/folder
* Format card
* Eye control on/off

Regardless of whether you are using the Canon R1 or the Canon R5 Mark II, I hope that this helps all of you to get better control of your camera and take even better photos. They are both amazing cameras and the settings really do matter.

Happy holidays to you all!


• Subscribe to the Jeff Cable Photography Blog by clicking HERE!

• You can now purchase Jeff Cable Photography images from my new fine art site at: https://fineart.jeffcable.com/

• If you are interested in purchasing ANY equipment, please click here to go to B&H Photo, as I get a referral from them if you enter this way. It does not change the cost to you in any way, but it helps me keep this blog up and running.

• Check out my upcoming photo tours to amazing places around the world. I have photo tours to Costa Rica, Peru, Galapagos, Alaska and more. 


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Canon R3 for Sale

Update on my camera and lens sale. I think I might have priced my Canon R3 a bit too high on the last blog post, and since I now have the Canon R1 I am definitely ready to sell the R3. 

I have lowered the price to $3099 and I am including some very high capacity memory cards as well.


The camera is in perfect condition, with no scratches or marks anywhere on the body. 

And of course, everything works perfectly internally.

Along with the camera, for the $3099 price I am including a 325GB CFexpress card and a 256GB SD card, which saves you another $400.  Both of these cards are extremely fast and perfect for this camera.

First come, first serve, as always!

If you are interested, please email me at jeff@jeffcable.com


• Subscribe to the Jeff Cable Photography Blog by clicking HERE!

• You can now purchase Jeff Cable Photography images from my new fine art site at: https://fineart.jeffcable.com/

• If you are interested in purchasing ANY equipment, please click here to go to B&H Photo, as I get a referral from them if you enter this way. It does not change the cost to you in any way, but it helps me keep this blog up and running.

• Check out my upcoming photo tours to amazing places around the world. I have photo tours to Costa Rica, Peru, Galapagos, Alaska and more. 


Thursday, December 12, 2024

I am selling a bunch of Canon gear! (First come, first serve)

I have recently upgraded to new Canon gear and I am selling some of my previous cameras, lenses and even some accessories. Just in time for you to purchase a new gift for yourself or someone else who loves photography.

All the gear is in perfect working order, and treated with care by me. As I mentioned in the title of this blog, I will sell these first come, first serve, which usually means that everything will sell within the first 48 hours. 

If you are interested in buying any of this gear, you can email me at jeff@jeffcable.com.

Here is what I am selling:

Canon R3 Body - $3395

This has been my baby for the last 3 years but has now been replaced by the new Canon R1 body. I still have the box with warranty cards, strap and cables all unopened... Shipping cost is $40.

Canon R5 Body - $1995 - SOLD!!!!

This camera was only used for my photo tours and not much else. It has now been replaced by the new Canon R5 Mark II body. I still have the box with warranty cards, strap and cables all unopened...  Shipping cost is $30.

Canon 200-400mm f/4 L IS Lens (with hard case) - $4250 - SOLD!!!!

This was my "go to" lens for many of my photo shoots, including the Olympics in Tokyo and a couple of safaris in Africa. It has the built-in 1.4x tele-extender and is an awesome lens for sports and wildlife. I am also including the hard case which I never really used. The case alone sells for $600 new. Crazy but true. Shipping cost for this beast is $100,

Crucial X8 2TB Solid State Drive - $99

This is brand new in the box. Shipping cost is $10.

MagMod MagBounce - $50

I have two of these that are brand new in the box. You can buy one or both of these. Shipping cost is $10.

MagBeam Wildlife Kit - $60 - ONE SOLD!!!!

I have two of these that are brand new in the box. You can buy one or both of these. Shipping cost is $10.

My upgrades give you a chance to get these great products at a very good price. And you know that they have been taken well care of.

US residents only please.

Again, if you are interested in buying any of this gear, you can email me at jeff@jeffcable.com.


• Subscribe to the Jeff Cable Photography Blog by clicking HERE!

• You can now purchase Jeff Cable Photography images from my new fine art site at: https://fineart.jeffcable.com/

• If you are interested in purchasing ANY equipment, please click here to go to B&H Photo, as I get a referral from them if you enter this way. It does not change the cost to you in any way, but it helps me keep this blog up and running.

• Check out my upcoming photo tours to amazing places around the world. I have photo tours to Costa Rica, Peru, Galapagos, Alaska and more. 


Monday, December 9, 2024

Holiday special on my photo tours!

As we wind down 2024, I look forward to next year which is going to be a great one with some amazing photos tours. My trip to Alaska and all three of the trips to Costa Rica are sold out, but I have opened up 3 more trips to Costa Rica for 2026, so make sure to reserve your spots early for those.

In the middle of 2025 I will be returning to Peru to lead another photo tour of this amazing country. And after that trip, I will be leading my first tour of the islands of Galapagos! Both of these trips have openings and I thought I would offer a holiday saving opportunity for you all.

If you sign up for either the Peru photo tour or the Galapagos photo tour before the end of this year, I am offering the following discounts:

$250 off of the Peru trip

I have room for 4 more people for the Peru trip.

$500 off of the Galapagos trip

I have room for 8 more people for the Galapagos trip.

You can see more information on these trips and my others on the tour page at: https://www.jeffcable.com/phototours and you can see comments from past guests HERE.

And if you would like to reserve a spot or would like more information for any of the tours, you can reach me at jcable@jeffcable.com

This offer expires on Dec 31, 2024 so make sure to reserve a spot now!


• Subscribe to the Jeff Cable Photography Blog by clicking HERE!

• You can now purchase Jeff Cable Photography images from my new fine art site at: https://fineart.jeffcable.com/

• If you are interested in purchasing ANY equipment, please click here to go to B&H Photo, as I get a referral from them if you enter this way. It does not change the cost to you in any way, but it helps me keep this blog up and running.

• Check out my upcoming photo tours to amazing places around the world. I have photo tours to Costa Rica, Peru, Galapagos, Alaska and more. 


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

My favorite images from the latest VERY RAINY trip to Costa Rica

I recently returned from my 15th visit to Costa Rica, and my 13th photo tour in the rain forest of this amazing country. This visit was totally different from any other trip due to the excessive amount of rain that we had. Now I know what you might be thinking, and yes it is the rain forest, but we had a TON of rain on this tour. Even the locals who have lived in the area for their whole lives had never seen this amount of rain consistently falling. But that did not stop us from getting great photos and having an awesome time.

This was also the first time that I have taken the new Canon R5 Mark II camera on a photo tour, and it performed VERY well.

I had eleven guests on this trip, and took this photo on our first day on the Osa Peninsula. It turned out to be the only day without rain.

We ended up seeing more Toucans on this trip than ever before, and down low too! The cloudy skies did provide great lighting for photos and we turned these lemons into lemon aid. 

These Howler monkeys were on the resort property, and perfectly framed with the lush greenery.

It is always fun to watch them munching on the leaves.

It was towards the end of our first day when we saw these Scarlet macaw feeding off the local palm nuts. We all had to shoot at ISO 10,000 to get enough shutter speed to freeze them in flight. About 6 months ago I started using Topaz AI to take the noise out of my high ISO shots and it is amazing!

Macro shooting in Costa rica is great, even on rainy days, since we can shoot under cover. And as always, everyone had a blast photographing the Red-eyed tree frogs.

I never get tired of photographing these little frogs.

We had this Dart frog in perfect position for a photo, even with a long lens. I took this with my Canon RF 100-500mm lens at 500mm. 

From that day on it rained and rained and rained. You can see the water moving sideways on this photo of a Toucan in flight. During the hardest rains, I had everyone meet me in the conference room where I taught photography workflow and Photoshop retouching. 

These two White-faced monkeys joined us for breakfast, literally hanging out 15 feet from our table.

Also joining us for breakfast, this Toucan came down to within 4 feet of the ground and everyone got really nice photos of this bird eating.

Since we had so much rain, I added an extra day of macro photography (since we could shoot under cover and stay dry). Since we visited some new macro locations, we got to see some new insects that I had never seen before. This spider has six eyes. How cool is that? 

This spider was carrying an egg sack. All of these photos were taken with my RF 100-500mm lens since I loaned my second camera (with my macro lens) to one of my guests.

I have photographed bats in Costa Rica before, but never up close. The people who went out and found subjects for us the night before our shoot, found this bat and had it for us to shoot. I love the way that it was looking right at me when I took this photograph.

We actually visited two new macro locations in one day, and when walking through the grounds of the second location I saw this beautiful Lilly in the water. It was perfectly covered in rain drops. I pointed this out to the group since it was easy to walk past, but worth a photo.

Once again we were treated to new subjects to photograph, including some species of frogs I had never seen.

It was fun to capture them up close but also from a little ways back, to show more of the environment.

Towards the end of the trip we had a little break in the weather and I decided to move forward with the boat tour on the bay. It turned out to be the right call, as we saw a couple of whales and lots of dolphins. 

After seeing a lot of marine wildlife, our boat captains took us into the mouth of the Tigre River and we saw this awesome Boa Constrictor resting in the brush along the edge of the river. It did not rain hard until we pulled back to the dock at the end of the tour. Luckily we all had plastic bags to cover our cameras. We all got soaked walking back to our rooms, but were happy to have had such a great time on the water.

On our last day, we had light rain, but nothing that would stop us from doing the boat tour of the Sierpe River. And we saw a lot of great wildlife, including this Blue Heron 

This Iguana was posing for all of us as we took it's portrait.

We were photographing this Egret along the shoreline when it reached down into the water and pulled out this fish. I fired off a bunch of photos and got this shot when the bird flipped the fish and I caught it mid-air.

On our way back from the river, we stopped by some feeders and captured photos of these beautiful birds.

Even though we had an unprecedented amount of rain, we all walked away with great photos and had an awesome time. Everyone enjoyed each other's company and learned some new photography tricks too. I always say that the most important part of my photo tours is to have fun. And coming home with great images, although very important, is secondary to the experience. 

I am almost completely sold out for the Costa Rica Photo tour for 2025, but I just opened 3 new tours for 2026. You can check them out HERE.


• Subscribe to the Jeff Cable Photography Blog by clicking HERE!

• You can now purchase Jeff Cable Photography images from my new fine art site at: https://fineart.jeffcable.com/

• If you are interested in purchasing ANY equipment, please click here to go to B&H Photo, as I get a referral from them if you enter this way. It does not change the cost to you in any way, but it helps me keep this blog up and running.

• Check out my upcoming photo tours to amazing places around the world. I have photo tours to Costa Rica, Peru, Galapagos, Alaska and more. 
