Monday, November 17, 2008

Photographing NY with Moose Peterson

Photo by Moose Peterson

As many of you know, Moose Peterson is one of my mentors, and having the chance to shoot with a photographic wizard and great friend is a real treat. We shot some pictures on Sunday night and then went out again this morning. Today, we started off at Canal Street and just meandered from there. We ended up finding some really great areas to shoot. Since it is 1am here in NYC, I am going to post some images and get some sleep. I will add more later. Happy dreams!
Check out the moon over Radio City Music Hall

A very cool tile ceiling that we happened to find along our city trek.

I love the different levels of clouds that formed over this city today.

We ended up at the Brooklyn Bridge. This is the first time that I have ever walked the bridge during the day, and what a great day it was.

1 comment:

Jeff Cable Photography Blog said...

Thanks Mike, I totally appreciate your feedback. I am honored to be mentioned in the same sentence with Moose, Joe and Jay.