It seems that all the trade shows are in Las Vegas this year, and so, I am back in LV once again. I really did not have any free time to shoot pictures except for the first night. I had a suite at the Hilton and had a huge balcony to shoot from. While we were setting up for meetings the next day, I took a break and stepped out to capture some images at my favorite time of the day. It was about 15 minutes after sunset and I took advantage of the vantage point. I took out my Canon 40D, set it up on my trusty Gitzo tripod (which I take in my carry-on bag just about everywhere). I popped in my 8GB Lexar 300x UDMA Pro card and went to town. I only grabbed 30 shots but was happy to walk away with one winner (which is all I ever ask for)!
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