The Auto Show is set up to show all the current models of cars available, but from a photographic perspective, I really liked the vintage cars which were on display.
Due to the mixed lighting and numerous distractions around each vehicle, I decided that tight shots would be the most pleasing. So, I spent most of my time getting down low, getting in close and looking for interesting details in these classic cars.
I really loved the color and lines of this Lincoln Zephyr. This is a shot taken of the front side of the hood of the vehicle.
This was my favorite image from the auto show. For this photo, I got close to the hood ornament and metered the camera to darken the exposure, thus emphasizing the chrome details. I did remove a couple of small light reflections on the hood of the vehicle, which were distracting.
On the show floor, they had a couple of auto designers showing how they draw up concepts. One guy was using a Wacom Cintiq while the other was drawing freehand. My wife saw this shot before I did and took a nice photo on her iPhone. I liked it enough to grab the same image. Good job Annette. :)
I think I will have a V8.
Very cool front end of a 1932 Stutz.
I photographed most of the cars from straight on, but then decided to frame things a little differently.
Such cool hood ornaments, from back in the day when people wouldn't steal them off the cars. :(
Now that is a grill.
This is one of the last shots that I took from the auto show. I framed this shot to highlight the hood ornament against the cherry red car in the background.
After the auto show, everyone was hungry, so we went for a late lunch / early dinner at Tony's Pizza Napoletana in the Italian district in SF. Awesome pizza to top off a fun day. I was hoping that we would get served quickly, because I knew that sunset was at 5pm, and since it was a rare clear day in the city, I really wanted to drive over to Treasure Island (located halfway across the Bay Bridge) and take photos of sunset over the city.
As luck would have it, we got out of the city just in time to catch the last of the sunset over San Francisco. So beautiful!
This is the last light of the day, with the Ferry building, the Embarcadero buildings, and the Transamerica pyramid in the foreground.
During the holidays, all of the Embarcadero buildings are lit, which makes the skyline even prettier.
After catching the amazing sunset, we headed for Union Square in SF and checked out the outside ice rink.
Even though I have been hearing holiday music in stores since Halloween, I can now start to accept that the holidays are upon us. All the decorations are up and everyone seemed to be in the spirit.
I think this is Macy's way of saying that they believe in holiday sales.
Right before leaving the city, as we waited to cross the street to the parking garage, I saw this Cable Car coming towards us. I quickly raised the camera, changed the settings to get a 1/2 sec exposure, and did a slow shutter motion pan along with the trolley.
Nice to see the old Pierce Arrow hoodie in there - always a favorite.
Your close-up car shots strike such a chord with me - as that is just how I would most enjoy capturing them on seem to take your photos in a way that reminds me of 'me'. That is why I really enjoy your blog. I am poised to order my 5D with the 24-105mm lens - so it was great to see what fantastic shots you managed to produce - Thanks !
Great phots there jeff. Im heading to NYC for the tree lighting but also to get some photos of the city ots self. Really cant wait, im going to use my 70-300 hopefully i can get a great spot for the whole tree lighting n the performers that will be. Hope to let u see them to see what u think
Nice shots, Jeff. Those cars were from the Academy of Art collection, weren't they?
Robert - yes, they were from the AofA collection.
Hi Sir! I'm a beginner and I'd just like to ask what exif did you used in the cable car photograph. Thinking of trying out some panning in the future. Thanks and by the way your shots are all great.
Arnel - I had the following settings: 1/2 sec exposure. ISO 200. f4 Aperture Priority.
Knowing that I had a slow shutter speed, I panned along with the cable car and fired off numerous photos as it passed by.
I hope that helps.
thank you sir appreciate it much :)
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