We spent a couple of days at our friend's cabin near Nevada City and took a short break from the city life. They have all kinds of toys for the kids and adults; motorcycles, boats, air guns (yike - keep these away from the 14 year old boys!)... We spent Saturday on the nearby lake and relaxed and played in the water. As always, I broke out the 5D Mark II and 100-400 lens to grab some shots of everyone riding the wake of their boat.

There is nothing better than seeing your kids having a blast! I am amazed at how many hours the kids could play on this raft, getting bounced around like rag dolls. I lasted about 30 minutes and I was done. But, I think I was smiling and laughing like this too. It is good to be a grown up kid!

Who is this hot babe on the single ski? Oh yeah, that's my wife showing the kids how it is done!

And here is the "Con Man" chillin' out on the wake board. He makes it look so easy out there.
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