Monday, July 29, 2024

Yesterday was the first men's water polo game for Team USA

One of the great things about water polo at the Summer Olympics, is that they switch off men's and women's games each day, so I don't have any conflicts and it gives me time to photograph other sports. During the Winter Olympics, when I photograph for USA Hockey, there are times when the men and women play at or near the same time, and I can only cover one game.

Yesterday was the first game for the men.

I almost always sit on the side facing the US athletes on offense.

This position also gives me a good shot right at our goalie.

I changed the Canon R1 to shoot at 16fps (instead of 30 or 40), because in the previous women's game, I had WAY too many images to go through.

Unfortunately, the men got beaten pretty handedly and spent most of the time on defense.

The job of a photographer is to tell the story, and part of that story is the coach.

I am always amazed out the athleticism of these athletes.

There is a lot of action and splashing to contend with. I usually pre-focus on the goaltender (when shooting defense) and hope for the best. Sometimes I will key in on a defensive player as well.

And yes, Flavor Flav was in the house again.

More defense...

...and some offense.

Look - it is the headless waterpolo player!

The lighting at this pool is still weird. There is still a lot of glare and now they have turned off some of the lights because OBS (Olympic Broadcasting System) owns the world here and they did not like it too bright, FYI - all video shot in the venues is taken by OBS and then your TV stations purchase that.

Look how high these guys kick themselves out of the water!

After the game, I received a text message that we would be doing a team photo with Flavor Flav outside the venue. I met them out in the public area and got this photo. Fun stuff!


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Catherine D said...

Focus system seemed to deal with the splashes well. Did you program in photos of key players to focus on for does that only work for basketball, soccer, and football?

Anonymous said...

Knowing the team getting beat, in the photo of the coach, in the background, there are a couple of players with the heads down. That tells a bit of the story as well!