I got to Vancouver at 10:15am this morning, dropped everything off at the condo and headed for the Main Press Center (MPC). I took the 12 block walk and stopped to grab some photos of the Olympic vibes in the city.

This was shot at GE Plaza. I am not sure what they are doing here, but there was a lot of activity. I will try to find out more in the coming days. Below, you will see that the countdown clock is now showing 2 days and counting.

In the previous blog entry I talked about the potential confusion of shooting the Olympics. Here it is, day one, and I already hit a snafu. I took the early flight here so that I could make the required 1pm photographers meeting, and showed up to find out that they moved it to 10am today. Nice huh? Luckily I know the organizers and they took care of me.

This is the main entry to the MPC. I really like the reflection of the lights on the floor.

This is one of the photo editing areas within the MPC. Also located in this area is the USOC, IOC, Reuters, Sports Illustrated, AP and others.

Here is the main hallway in the MPC. To the left of this hallway is the water and the main broadcast center where NBC is located.

So...I am walking through the MPC to get more information on the bus schedules and I come across this nice guy who is holding a genuine Olympic torch. I offered to take his picture (which I did, of course) and then got a chance to hold it myself. That made my day. Pretty cool!
Wow what a first day...or should I say morning. The MPC looks amazing. I too love the reflection shots. And how cool that you got to hold the torch.
I remember living in Vancouver in 2008 and watching the clock tick down. And now that it's less than two days away, I'm getting overly excited and pumped that for me it's less than 5 days til I head north.
Can't wait to see and read what else you discover behind the scenes.
Long time since seeing you in person....
Loved your Beijing Olympic pics and look forward to sharing your Vancouver pics with my 4th grade students as you progress through the Winter Olympics...
Rick Mau
(friend of your bro..Dave)
Great to hear that you are enjoying the pictures and stories. More to come today. :)
Ah, This is awesome! Clears up
several contradictions I've been hearing.
Ah, This is perfect! Clears up
many contradictions I've read
Ah, This is exactly what I was looking for! Clears up
a few misnomers I've heard
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